Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Finding Bigfoot vs. Ghost Hunters

I have to admit that all things paranormal intrigue me, so when a show called "Ghost Hunters" came on the air a few years back - it had me at hello.  Nowadays, not so much.

Its not that I am no longer interested, because believe me I am, its just that they are too quick to say its Haunted.  That was not the case in the beginning. Grant and Jason were true skeptics.  More likely than not there was no paranormal activity. They explained away those bumps in the night as "air in the pipes" or a "electromagnetic fear cage". But, when they did find some true paranormal activity it was the real deal and I was hooked.  I never missed an episode.  They became the faces of true Ghost Hunters and TAPS was famous.  They made some cash,-Syfy had a hit - followed by a spin off to GHI (Ghost Hunters International) and the Paranormal became Normal.  Everyone watched. 

Now, I can almost guarantee that at the end of every episode they will declare that the location is experiencing "Paranormal Activity".

The question is, are they at locations that are more likely to be haunted or is it a ratings getter?  I don't know the answer but I will say that I took it off my DVR season pass.

Now, Finding Bigfoot is a whole other animal (no pun intended).  Matt Moneymaker (aka BFRO Founder) is always attributing the most minuscule things to a "squatch".  Its nuts.  It makes legitimate findings attributed to this unknown species moot.  I hate this show and I love all things Bigfoot.

They need me out there looking for Bigfoot.  I don't know the first thing about "squatching'' but my integrity will not be compromised for ratings purposes.  All people who believe in the existence of these creatures are not toothless backwoodsman.  We are intelligent "out of the box" thinkers who believe that science is only as good as the evidence in hand.  BTW, I love the Squatch Detective, Steve Kulls - he is a Bigfoot believer and debunk-er.... love him!

Look what we have discovered about the galaxies in recent months, science is forever changing.

Now, UFO hunters was a great and legitimate show that was yanked off the air because they got too close and "The Powers That Be" got nervous.

Let me know what you think... I'm  interested.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Habits and traits across the web...

I found a link to a site that has a compilation of stories, traits, observations and sightings..  Here is the link http://www.lawnflowersjerkyandbigfoots.com/Pages/BigfootBehavior.aspx

When we compare stories, we see certain similarities that would otherwise go unnoticed.  Look for yourself and read some of these unbelievable stories. 

I am particularly fascinated with the stories that put our government in the Bigfoot Cover up.   Where there are the unbelievable, paranormal, folklore or other fantastic creature stories there is always the interjection of the government, usually a covert unnamed agency. FOIA means nothing.

Comments and discussions are welcome!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Great Reads for beginner Crypto enthusiasts

I was thinking about how much I love reading about past sightings and habits of the Bigfoot creatures and I wanted to share a few of the books that I have read. The first is a book by Loren Coleman, Bigfoot! : The True Story of Apes in America and the second is a book by blogger Autumn Williams, Enoch: A Bigfoot Story which tells the habituation and friendship of a man and Bigfoot. Now, mind you, I do not know if the Enoch story is true but, I feel that it is. I have been reading sightings and or habituation stories for many years and some things, I believe are not made up. There are uncommon traits that seem to link these creatures habits together.

I remember once that I found a website that categorized all the reported sightings, habits and weird stories, so when you clicked on a link you found similar tales. For example, a family reported that something was breaking into their cellar last at night and either sleeping or looking for food. They described the smells, the sounds and a few different traits that are not usually reported in such detail with regard to the Bigfoot creatures.   Then, in a different state, I saw a very similar story. When you see multiple reports that tell a similar story you start to wonder about their true existence.

If I come across that link again I will attach a link here.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Voicing my opinion

I thought it was time to get in the game and start searching out the truth on my own. I am extremely interested in all things Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti, Alma, Yeren, etc. and, I'm sure there are some very valid truth seekers out there.

So what if I live in an Urban area, I am intelligent enough to weed out the fakers in the Crypto world. I am tired of the blobs and unfocused shots of Bigfoot. To date, I believe, the only credible shot is the Patterson/Gimlin shot nicknamed "Paddy". Everything else I've seen is rather sketchy but I have hope.

What do we know so far about these creatures? Here's a sample of what I have gathered from around the web from various truth seekers:

1. Mammal - Bi-ped
2. Height - 6-10'
3. Weight - 600+ lbs
4. Hair - Reddish, brown, black or gray approx 6-8" in length

There are so many more attributes for these creatures that I would like to dissect and discuss. I would also welcome any opinion to my blog. All I ask is that you are polite and try to post with dignity and sincerity. After all, there are plenty of sites out there that seek to discredit and put out false information. I really just want to discuss the topic with an open mind.