I just finished reading Robert Lindsays' latest information regarding the Sierra Bigfoot Kills.. I will link it here.. http://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2011/08/02/latest-news-from-the-bigfoot-world-august-2-2011/
I really encourage people to read his blog, I enjoy his posts. I haven't made my decision on how I feel about the Erickson Project, Olympia Project and/or the DNA testing yet but I like Dr. Melba Ketchum, she is my FB friend ;)
I am following the DNA sequencing results along with the above mentioned projects and I do hope it brings classification and protection for these Hominids. Believe me, if they really wanted to hurt us - they probably could. I mean the Females are 6-7 feet and weigh approximately 600+ lbs and the Males are 7-9+ feet tall and are 800-1200 lbs. With the estimation of a minimum species population at around 4,000 in the US alone.
I am so fascinated with their ability to stay so hidden in our world today. I remember once I read that they all converge in one place once a year to give birth. I believe the report said that a hiker came upon some caves and heard what he thought was babies crying. Upon further inspection into the cave he saw what looked like a primitive hospital Nursery ward filled with the baby Bigfoots and their nursing Mothers.
I am also intrigued with the Habituation stories. It seems that the Bigfoots just want to know us but they cannot trust us. Can we blame them? How many have been killed by a frightened Hunter or Homeowner? I bet there have been many - but TPTB remove the bodies and if they don't, I read the Bigfoots bury their dead. They rip a tree out of the ground and place it on top of the grave to hide it from the outside world. One human who habituated with them said you would never know the tree was ripped from one location and put in another. The ground never looked disturbed.
So amazed.
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