Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When The Bigfoots are declared a Species....

When,, and I do mean when, the Bigfoot/Sasquatches are declared a Species (and I think a cousin of Humans) what should happen?  Should we have reasons to fear them when we are doing what we do normally, ie hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, rafting, skiing, etc???

Well, the answer is no.  If they have existed and populated under our noses (remember they are 6-11 feet tall) and we haven't been bothered or in danger before - than live and let live. 

What I think should be done is to set up laws for the protection from hunting for sport.  I believe that they are very human-like (and I hope I am right) and I believe they are extremely intelligent, speak in a definitive language, mate and live like a family unit.

And, I will be happy when my friends and family declare me sane.  I mean, what does a stay-at-home-mom from Long Island know about Bigfoot.... answer.. EVERYTHING. 


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